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On this page you can read about NovoServe network (AS24857 & AS21159) upgrades, incidents and updates.

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Past Incidents

1st May 2022

NL-OUM (Oude Meer) Incident - DDoS attack impact


The incident occurred during the following time-frames:

  • 16:55 01-05-2022 until 17:45 01-05-2022
  • 18:38 01-05-2022 until 18:58 01-05-2022
  • 02:55 02-05-2022 until 03:09 02-05-2022
  • 07:01 02-05-2022 until 07:03 02-05-2022


During the mentioned time-frames, packet loss has been observed for customers matching the following criteria:

  • (Some) low (bandwidth) volume customers at OUM;
  • VirtualAS2 customers at OUM;
  • 1G services at OUM.

At 18:58 measures have been implemented completely mitigating the impact of the ongoing, subsequent attacks, decreasing their impact to effectively zero. Small hiccups were observed in the time-frames mentioned after this moment, which have been listed in the When section.


In order to prevent this incident from recurring, measures will be taken, this section documents such measures.

Multiple measures have and will be taken to prevent such incidents from recurring, such as: moving customers away from the affected infrastructure, the behavior of the DDoS mitigation escalation has been improved, and the affected infrastructure will be upgraded to better cope with DDoS attacks in general.